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The Wundarful Chair Workshop

Wonderful Chair


After the great success of this workshop at the recent PAA conference in Melbourne, Luisa Lins and Camila Galvao are excited to show you all about the Pilates Chair.


The WUNDArful workshop will encourage you to think outside the box by providing tools to understand the versatility of this compact and functional Pilates equipment.

Focus on creating sequences and flow based on well-known Chair foundation exercises. Review some traditional exercises and add layers to them to develop opportunities for sequences and consequently expand the general knowledge and confidence level of the participants.

Camila and Luisa will present a variety of sequences, followed by practice and discussion to inspire and encourage Pilates instructors to explore and understand the Wunda Chair’s potential and possibilities.
The discussion section will focus on providing in-depth understanding of flow, aim, progressions, regressions, and precautions of exercises, to support and improve the instructor’s confidence and repertoire when using this Pilates equipment.


Please ensure to familiarise yourself with our Registration Policies (incl. Cancellations and Transfers) before you register.

Please allow 24-48 hours to process your registration and receive your credentials to the course.


Completion of a comprehensive Pilates teacher program from a Pilates Method Alliance or Pilates Alliance Australasia approved school (such as Polestar Comprehensive Studio/Rehabilitation course or full Diploma)

PDPs: 2 with PAA

Do You Have Questions Or Feedback?

We would love to hear from you. Please use the form below to send your message and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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